This web page – developed by NMSU faculty – provides information to online instructors transitioning their courses to an online or hybrid format.
Shared Resources
Welcome to the New Vice Provost for Digital Learning Initiatives
Instructional Innovation and Quality (IIQ, Academic Technology, Distance Education, Instructional Media Services, and the Online Course Improvement Program) welcomes Dr. Sherry Kollmann as the new Vice Provost for Digital Learning Initiatives! June 1st is Dr. Kollmann’s first day on the job in this new position. IIQ is very excited to be working with her to further digital and online learning across the NMSU system.
These page provide tips and resources for continuing teaching and learning during a prolonged NMSU campus closure.Keep Teaching! Keep Learning!
For May 2025, come back each week to watch new mini-videos with important considerations for teaching online.Watch Now
OCIP Services
OCIP Programs
Instructional Design professional development to assist faculty in developing an online or blended course that meets a QM rubric.
Summer Institute Dates: May-June
Application: Spring
Course Development Institute Dates: Jan-May and Aug-Dec
Application: Nov-Jan and July-Aug
The Quality Matters (QM) Program is a leader in quality assurance for online education. Its focus is on collegial and continuous improvement in online education and student learning.
Quality Matters at NMSU
Pathway to Quality
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As you prepare your online course for the next semester, you might want to consider implementing project-based learning (PBL). Many conventional classrooms have long operated on a project-based model, where instead of reading chapters, answering questions, and taking tests, students work on subject-specific educational projects such as building a greenhouse, designing a website, or debating...Continue reading "Project-Based Learning in the Online Classroom" »
In addition to creating your instructor presence in an online course, also consider designing a sense of community. If Implemented early in the semester, a strong sense of community leads to improved retention and student success. Three ways to get started might be to: Begin by modeling the behavior you expect students to exhibit. This...Continue reading "Building community in an online course" »
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手机购买vultr服务器图文教程 - 网络跳越:2021-3-2 · VULTR 是一家总部位于美国新泽西州的 VPS 提供商,成立于2021年,在全球拥有美国、日本、新加坡等十几个机房。vultr因实力雄厚、服务稳定、价低质伢,从而深受人伞喜爱。vultr美中不足的是没有中文版操作界面,对英文不好的网友略显困难。鉴于此,本文下面给出手机上购买和vultr服务器的图文 …
Presentation accepted for Quality Matters Conference Strategies for Teaching Online: Aligning Online Teaching to the Quality Matters Rubric presentation proposal was accepted for the QM Connect National Conference, October 27-30, 2025. The presentation will share how a 2-week short course was designed and developed to meet the professional development needs for those teaching online at...Continue reading "QM Connect National Conference 2025" »
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OCIP Summer Course Development Institute Will Support 25 NMSU Las Cruces Faculty The OCIP Summer Course Development Institute will be supporting 24 NMSU Las Cruces faculty participants this year. Summer CDI runs May 10-23, kicking off on Friday, May 10, with a 2-hour Orientation session. The next two weeks will be filled with workshops and...Continue reading "OCIP Summer Course Development Institute" »
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The 2025 Quality in Online Education Conference was a collaborative success. Presentations from across the NMSU system were provided to 80 face-to-face attendees with another 26 attending virtually through Adobe Connect. The QM System Team (Dona Ana, Grants, Carlsbad, Alamogordo, and Las Cruces) thanks each of you for your help in putting this conference together....Continue reading "The Quality on Online Education Conference at Alamogordo CC was a Success!" »
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